(Updated 09/23/24)


Table of Contents…

I. Upcoming Events

II. Reoccurring Needs

III. Other Needs

IV. Misc. Announcements

V. Special Thanks

VI. Prayer needs

VII. Our Supported Missions

I. Upcoming Events

  • Women’s Bible Study: There are two different days for the same study - Reach out to Cheryl Whittington for details!

    Study on Tuesday at the Johnson’s - starts at 9am

    Study on Friday, 10am, at the Whittington’s

  • Honoring God with Art: Sunday after service 12:30. A watercolor painting class, where Liora Johnson teaches how to watercolor and make a piece of art that honors God.

  • Tuesdays 6pm-7:30pm: Study on Genesis 1-11 next study is 09/24, and we will still be in Gen. 9 (Will update if postponed)

  • The Life Recovery Bible Study Fridays 10:30am-12pm: This study is led by Mike Sanderson. It is for those with behaviors that are hard for them to quit. In addition to studying scriptures that will bring us closer to the Savior, we seek to understand the 12-step recovery process. Through this, we will overcome self-defeating behaviors. Please reach out to Mike Sanderson for details.

II. Reoccurring Needs…

  • Church cleaning help is needed! Soon we will institute a rotating schedule

  • Sunday greeters are needed!

  • Sign up and let us know what you're bringing for the next Potluck!

    Signup sheets are in the back of the Church for these needs…

III. Other Needs

(These are things in the Church for members who feel led to meet these needs. These tasks may not be essential however they are helpful)

  • Winter Plowing: We have a need this winter for someone who can plow the church parking lot/loop. We have been blessed in the past by those who gave time effort and resources to do this which was a major blessing - to them Thank You! However, they will no longer be able to do that this winter. Talk with an elder or Pastor if interested.

  • Church “Photographer”: A designated person(s) to take photos at Church gatherings, services, and baptisms, nothing fancy needed just one or two pictures that can be uploaded to our Facebook or used on our website. Requirements: A phone with a good camera, a cheery attitude, and attendance to most Church events- talk to Pastor

  • Video editing: If someone is gifted and willing and experienced with video editing, we would love to clean up our future sermon uploads to our YouTube channel. Currently, they are enough but if someone has the desire, time, and effort to make them more presentable that would be a blessing. - talk to Pastor

  • Secretary position available: Currently the task of secretary has been absorbed by several individuals who have other roles/responsibilities in the Church. As of now, it is not an immediate need but if someone is willing or curious talk to the pastor or an elder.

IV. Misc. Announcements…

  • Be in prayer for the Mission in Mozambique - They have many needs… Speak to Tanya Johnson for more details

  • Be in prayer for the Walk for Life which raises support for the unborn

V. Special Thanks

  • Thanks to all who came to the Walk For Life. Keep in prayer that the funds are raised to help the unborn!

  • Thanks to all who pitch in for cleaning!

VI. Prayer Needs:(Let the pastor know if you want to put a request on here)

Bible quizzing has started, keep those involved in prayer so they can know that which they are memorizing.

Pray for those around you that there would be an openness to the gospel of Christ, and boldness for yourself to declare the truth.

Pray for the missions in Mozambique and the church in Mexico. Pray that the gospel be declared, and those in the church be built up!

Pray for the walk for life - Pray and support to fight against the satanic forces that want to destroy those created in the image of God.

Praise the Lord for His goodness and blessings—especially the blessing of salvation in Christ. - AMEN

VII. Our Supported Missions

(Last updated 05/20/24)

Mexico Missions

Ministry Developers

Light for Hunger - Mozambique Church

Ladysmith and Hayward Pregnancy Resource Centers

VCY Radio

Evangelical Free Church of America

Be in Prayer for these Missions - Thank You

(Please reach out to Tanya Johnson if you have any questions relating to Missions)